

Participating in the 哈士奇在高中 program as an instructor can be a rewarding teaching and learning experience.

教官必须符合 需求 of, and be approved by the university department in the appropriate content area. 他们的 合作伙伴应用程序/配置文件 and a resume also must be on file with the 哈士奇在高中 office.

我们的项目将每个高中教师与圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城教员, who serves as a colleague/partner and is the faculty of record for the course. The faculty partner works with you to ensure that department 需求, 满足学习目标和先决条件. They will be a helpful resource on curriculum development and producing a syllabus for the course.


Each instructor is enrolled in an online 网站Brightspace "course" that has all of our procedures and forms available. 你可以访问它 在这里 用你的StarID和密码登录.

档案登记局专门为 教师/人力资源. Here you can learn how to access your class roster, view grades and more.

你也可以参观明尼苏达州立大学 StarID自助服务 to find out what your StarID is, activate your StarID or reset your password.

If you are having any issues with successfully teaching your course, 请不要犹豫与我们联系 huskiesintheHS@mingxianxuexiao.com.

Additional forms and resources can be found on the right hand of this page.


National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships 教师 Standard 3: Concurrent enrollment instructors participate in college/university provided annual discipline-specific professional development and ongoing collegial interaction to further enhance instructors’ pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.

Discipline specific professional development can include but is 不 limited to:

  • 虚拟或面对面的一对一会议
  • Workshops on campus with multiple 哈士奇在高中(HHS) instructors
  • Attendance of discipline specific professional development on campus with University department
  • Observation of course taught on campus with discussion and reflection
  • 预先录制好的模块
  • 讨论当前的研究/文献
  • 协同课程内容开发
  • 在线,互动讨论板
  • Seminar/conference participation approved by faculty partner in advance

 The 哈士奇在高中 program will reimburse mileage to instructors/faculty partners as appropriate, 支付停车费, 在合理的范围内提供午餐/晚餐.

文档要求: A report provided by the program must be completed by the faculty partner. This submission may need to include materials, agenda, format/delivery method, date & 时间,参与者名单. 报告模板可以在D2L和附录中找到 手册/指南.


National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnership Curriculum Standard 3: 教师 partners conduct site visits to observe course content and delivery, student discourse and rapport to ensure the courses offered through the concurrent enrollment program are equivalent to the courses offered on campus.

教师 partners are required to complete one class observation per instructor relationship while the 哈士奇在高中(HHS) course is in session. The purpose of the site visit is to ensure that the course taught at the high school aligns with the course taught on campus. 教师导师可能 作为实地考察的一部分进行教学/讲座.


  • In person w在这里 the faculty partner travels to the high school classroom to observe
  • 通过视频会议(Zoom, Google教室等).)
  • Via recording w在这里 the high school instructor records a class period and sends to their faculty partner for review

教师 partners partnered with new high school instructors must complete a site visit during the high school instructor’s first year teaching through the program and/or first year teaching a new course (i.e. 增加了一个新的数学或语言水平). 教师合作伙伴与 相同 high school instructor with a site visit report on file from the previous year may continue site visits every three years.

文档要求: The faculty partner must submit a site visit report to the program office, and the high school instructor will be prompted to complete a site visit reflection by the program. 这些报告可以返回到 huskiesintheHS@mingxianxuexiao.com 或透过D2L递交. 报告模板可以在D2L和附录中找到 手册/指南.


Each 哈士奇在高中(HHS) class is encouraged to visit campus once during the course. Some disciplines may require campus visits, each department determines campus visit 需求.

使这些访问成为可能, the program reimburses schools for bus transportation and will provide lunch for students at Garvey Commons, 学生食堂. The program can cover substitute teacher costs for up to one campus visit per relationship.

校园参观必须安排在圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城. This will ensure that students experience campus life and that resources are available to promote an interactive visit.

在校园里, 学生可以参加各种各样的活动, such as: work in a lab or attend a lecture; learn how to do university level research during a library session with one of the St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 research librarians; attend special on-campus events; and attend presentations from various department on campus such as 招生, 财政援助和海外教育.

Campus visits can be tailored to the class and students participating. Please work with your faculty partner and HHS program to plan a campus visit, or submit a 校园参观申请.

All campus visitors must abide by safety guidelines and mandates in place. 请和哈士奇一起工作
the Husky program to develop a safety plan if needed at the time of the campus visit.
